Principal's Message

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Puran Pd. Bista

Few words from the Principal

This website ensures that the enrolled students, parents and their guardians are well-informed about the school academic-calendar and students’ life at ALS. I hope the academic programs and activities match our students’ or parents’ expectations, and this site serves the purpose well.

For educating students at ALS, two key aspects have been taken into account: Ethical values and code of conduct, incorporating well-designed curriculum and programs, applicable to our daily life. So, academic programs and activities being conducted at ALS focus on students’ curiosity in learning.

This site contains lists of “intended” curriculum and school philosophy. The school administers discipline for offenses in case of procedure-violation or violation of any standard practices.

We seek full cooperation from students, parents and guardians for the effective implementation of school strategies. Together, we can create an environment appropriate for the academic progress of each student that ALS always vies for.

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