Collaborative Nurturing

At ALS, we believe the fruit of a educational institution is the result of collaborative nurturing of all involved stakeholders i.e. School, Parents, Teachers and Students.

School's Responsibilities

  • ALS is responsible for keeping parents well-informed about the curriculum and programs as well as the progress of a student.
  • ALS engages students in all events and makes them to be more active in planning and organizing events.
  • Besides, ALS also gives prior-information on any decisions on the student that directly or indirectly affects him/her.
  • ALS informs parents/guardians if any learning problem of a student needs to be addressed.

Parental Responsibilities

  • Parents/guardians should cooperate with the school authority in all aspects of a growing child.
  • At the beginning of new academic calendar, parents/guardians should share with teachers about their child's talent, strength, weakness and areas of interest.
  • School holds regular meetings between teachers and parents, so parents must attend such meetings and develop relationship with teachers.
  • Students use school diaries which are overseen by his/her class teacher every day. A diary contains columns for communication with parents/guardians, class teachers, vice principal and principal. So, parents/ guardians should spare their time to go through the diary every day.
  • Parents/guardians should inform the class teacher of any special circumstances including passing away of near-and-dear ones or any life-changing event.