Official Communications

ALS has appointed an ombudsman. However, principal or vice-principal is always available for strengthening the relationship between parents/guardians and the school. The coordinator is the ombudsman between the teacher and the parents or the parents and the school. The ombudsman is available for addressing the parents' concerns.

Appointments for meetings with the ombudsman, class teacher or any other staff member can be made through the school office.


Students can't be reached out by telephone during the school hours. However, parents/guardians can leave messages at the office. If the message is very important, please feel free to contact the receptionist so that the message is delivered to the concerned student on time. No student is allowed to meet parents/guardians during the school hours, no matter how important the meeting would be. In the case of family tragedy or doctor's appointment, parents/guardians should inform the school. Then only can the student be allowed to accompany his/her parent/guardian. No other than the guardian/ parent can take the student out, citing justifiable or otherwise reason.


The school provides a list of telephone numbers to the students reading in his/her class. This list of telephone numbers encourages parents/guardians to communicate and be acquainted with or to facilitate urgent communication through telephone network.


School sends printed notice in English/Nepali to inform parents/guardians about early/late closings, last minute programs, changes of school timing, school bus or due date for payment of monthly fees, etc.


Parents/guardians should inform the school in the event of any change of residence, telephone number, address, etc. Such a change may affect communication between the school and parents/guardians during an emergency. School can't be responsible for consequences that may arise if the school fails to establish contact with the parents/guardians. School diaries are issued to the students of Class-I and above. The purpose is to write down homework and to establish link between a class teacher and a parent/ guardian, so that they exchange brief notes on homework, reason for absence or any other problems of learning in the class.


ALS regularly holds meetings between teachers and parents/guardians or between parents/guardians and the school. The intention is to discuss school life and address parental concerns. Parents/guardians should spare their time for the meeting. School closely observes attendance of parents/guardians during such meetings. Any parents/guardians showing inability to attend such meetings should inform the school beforehand. Frequent absences in meetings will be deemed as “negligence” on the part of parents/guardians.

There are two meetings—One in October and another at the end of the academic session. The first meeting in October reviews the six month-long academic programs at the school. The second meeting addresses the parents/guardians about the changes in teaching, new approach, annual programs, project-works, importance of home assignments, etc. This meeting also provides a platform to parents/guardians to know each other and exchange their views, opinions and other things.

There are a series of class-wise meetings between parents/guardians and teachers after every terminal examination. Parents/guardians can discuss students' progress or share their knowledge, experiences and expectations with teachers and the school. These meetings are held thrice a year. Narrative reports of each student are presented during the meeting hours.